Sunday, 24 May 2020

Grow a Pineapple


Rather than chucking the head of your pineapple in the compost bin, did you know you can grow a pineapple plant instead? This great tip not only reduces your food waste, but gives you something exciting and tropical to grow.
1. Use toothpicks to suspend the pineapple head over a large glass jar filled with water and place in direct sunlight inside your home.
2. Change the water every couple of days, making sure it’s touching the base of the pineapple head.
3. You should notice some root growth after the first week. Once this happens, plant the head in a pot of compost and place it in a sunny spot. Water once a week.

Bird House Milk Carton



  • Good scissors
  • Old newspaper
  • A towel
  • Environmentally friendly paints Paper or card
  • A straight(ish) stick String
  • Bird food


1. Wash the carton and dry it out by leaving it upside down for an hour. Lay a towel on the floor and gather all of the listed items.
2. With a pair of good scissors, cut windows on either side of the carton – any shape or size you fancy. Then cut a hole at the bottom on both sides – big enough to poke a stick through. This is a ledge for the birds.
3. Paint your birdhouse and leave it
to dry on newspaper. Then give it
a second coat. Drying times will depend on the type of paint you use.
4. It’s time to decorate your birdhouse. Be as creative as you like.
5. Once dry, use the scissors to poke a hole through the top. Then use string to create a loop so you can hang your birdhouse. Don’t forget to put some bird food inside to encourage the birds!



 Grow lettuce, celery or cabbage in five simple steps
1. Place any leftover vegetable hearts in glass jars with a little water at the bottom.
2. Keep the jar in a sunny spot, like a south-facing windowsill.
3. After five days you will notice roots beginning to appear along with new leaves.
4. When this happens, plant the vegetable heart in some soil.
5. Watch it grow until it looks big enough to eat. Yum!

Grow Potatoes

Grow potatoes

1. Leave a couple of potatoes in a dark cupboard for several days to encourage sprouting.
2. Once the potato is covered in sproutings, cut them off in chunks, allowing at least three sproutings per chunk.
3. Lay them on some kitchen towel, and leave to dry overnight.
4. If you have a garden, plant the potato skin 4 inches deep into the soil with the sproutings facing up.
If not, plant them into a bag for life filled with soil and watch them grow!