Monday, 23 March 2020

Flowerpots Lighthouse



  • candle or solar lantern
  • clay pots (various sizes that stack)
  • primer spray paint
  • outdoor craft paint (I used Patio Paint brand)
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • paint brush
  • E6000 glue (or similar) (solar light would be ideal)


1. Spray the clay pots with multiple layers of primer. Add layers and allow to dry according to primer instructions. Spray them in a well ventilated area.

2. Stack the pots and use a pencil to mark where they overlap. Now you have the area that will show when they are stacked.

3. Divide the exposed area into equal sections for the painted stripes. Use a ruler to make marks all the way around the pot, then connect the marks so that you have a guide line for painting.

4. Paint the red areas, allowing to dry in between coats. Apply paint until you have even coverage.

5. Paint the white areas, allowing paint to dry in between coats. Apply paint until you have even coverage.

6. Apply glue to the pots and stack them together. Apply glue to the bottom of the lantern and the top of the clay pot lighthouse base. Attach lantern. Allow glue to dry completely.

7. If you don't use a solar lamp, add a LED candle to the lantern and enjoy your new lighthouse!